In Cyber Security

Cyber Security is a massive topic at the moment. Its always been important, but it seems like more and more businesses are being hacked. With technology becoming more advanced and the evolution of computing and AI its becoming increasingly difficult to ensure that your business is safe!

Here’s some top tips for businesses:

  1. Train your employees! It has been proven, that employees are the biggest risk to businesses cyber security. Your employees need to be regularly trained and refreshed on the best practices for cyber security. This includes teaching them how to identify and avoid phishing emailsthe importance of using strong passwords, and not using the same passwords for multiple accounts. Introduce applications such as password keepers, and train them on the secure use of the companies devices and networks.
  2. Update software and systems. Keep all software and systems up to date and ensure all patches have been applied. the eliminates the risk of hackers exploiting vulnerabilities.
  3.  Enforce strong logins. Make sure strong passwords are mandatory, and ensure where possible 2 factor authentication or multi-factor authentication has been applied. Biometrics can also be used for extra protection.
  4. Backup data. Regular backups can protect against loss of data in the event of ransomware attacks, viruses, or hardware failures. To be extra secure, you could consider on-site and off site backups.
  5. Implement a cyber security policy. Develop and enforce a comprehensive cyber security policy for all employees to follow, that outlines guidelines, and best practices. It should cover topics such as use of devices, networks, secure remote access, and reporting security incidents.
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